All these energies have significant affect by the sign. Twelve zodiac signs are - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
2010 would be a positive year for aries due to an inherent tendency to be dynamic and hard working in all aspects of life. You will find your level of motivation as well as ability to work hard would be good.You will find your level of motivation as well as ability to work hard would be good. Your aries horoscope 2010 promises positive actions will help you overcome competition as work of enemies against you. The period between 14th January 2010 to 31st January 2010 may would bring in high level of activity in career as well as people around you.New projects or major changes in life should not be contemplated during this time.
2010 is going to be a landmark year for taurus. Tangible gains might not be many but you will grow in stature as well as create new opportunities and values which would create progress and gains for the next few years.This year will find your creative abilities at an high and there would be practical and rational ideas which will propel you to new heights. Your view points will be accepted with respect. You should use this year to plan out concentrated activity and progress in the coming few years. Plans made now will bear fruit as per your taurus 2010 horoscope.
2010 would see volatile trends in life for gemini, although level of luck will definitely rise. You are running through a period when your mind and thoughts patterns are definitely more unreliable than before. Due to this it would be advisable to avoid major decisions or changes in personal life as well as career now. You should use the counsel of a person you trust while taking major decisions at this point.
Your gemini horoscope promises a new relationship or partnership will loom on the horizon now. There will be temptations in the mind too. Considering the events, new partnerships or associations should be thoroughly examined and if possible declined till early 2011.
2010 brings positive trends for you. Life will empower you more and you will find yourself more assertive than in previous years. However there is a tendency to be over aggressive and difficult for people around you in the first half of the year.
The year will begin with an aggressive state of mind as well as proneness to anger and unnecessary fights. Period between 1st January 2010 to 10th March 2010 could be very volatile. Try to work on avoiding conflicts and losing your temper.Hard work and your efforts to make things happen would bring progress and success. There would be gains due to your willingness to experiment and network.
2010 would bring some trial and challenges, although there would be multiple opportunities and gains too. The year will begin with a period of higher aggression and stress for you. Level of expenses will rise and there could be chances of losing money due to wrong investment decisions between 1st January and 10th March 2010.You need to control investment, enforce financial planning and avoid speculation of any kind. Anger should be controlled at all times. The period is intense till 10th March 2010 but will continue till 26th May 2010.
You might experience pressure from competitions, distant family and health issues after the 14th January 2010 till end May 2010.
Level of pressure and stress could rise. You will be more creative but personal pressures at home and work environment will increase. Health could suffer due to carelessness and increased pressure as per virgo horoscope.
Personal temperament could remain volatile between:-
1. 1st January and 15th January 2010
2. 19th April and 12th May 2010
3. 22nd August and 13th September 2010
4. 11th December and 30th December 2010
2010 will bring with it some challenges as well new opportunities for libra. You will experience new avenues will open up and status will rise. At the same time existing work and opportunities could dip this year. It will be useful to remain conservative in money matters.The year will commence with a hyperactive phase in career. You will find an exceptional level of dynamism in your actions and there would be growth due to your hard work.
Mixed trends will operate during 2010 for scorpio. You will enter into a powerful phase this year and there will be growth due to multiple factors now. Your scorpio horoscope promises that you will find growth due to support of family, friends and your efforts this year. Gains will also become higher as the year progresses.This period between 14th September and 18th October 2010 could see weakness in level of opportunities available for you. This period should also be avoided for new projects and plans. Further new developments in property and real estate matters could come up as the year commences.
2010 would bring with it some challenges and hurdles although your confidence level will be restored to the pre 2009 levels for sagittarius. Career will experience differing views. There will be more responsibility but pressure on superiors will rise.
2010 will see a mix of positive and negative trends, although positive trends will outweigh the negative ones.
Your capricorn
2010 would see vibrant trends in work as well as finances, although personal life and matters could look downwards. You will find your thinking and mental capabilities will expand now. The period till 1st May 2010 will see a maturing of your perspective while there would be increase in your knowledge and practical experience. There would be a sudden rise in income and inflows would come in from various sources as per aquarius horoscope. Your aquarius horoscope promises that you will find yourself dynamic and hard working as the year commences.
It would be a useful strategy during this year to avoid planning too much or be fixated on certain ideas. Events could happen unexpected and plans might change more than once now. The year will open with a high dose of aggression. Mind will be angry and unsettled. Your decision making ability could be below average now. Investment should be avoided and speculation of any sort is totally prohibited. Improvement after the 10th March 2010.